Monday, July 14, 2008

Writing Joy

I have a tendency to write sadness. It isn't that I am always feeling sadness, but it seems that is when I feel the urgent need to express my emotion, above and beyond its vocalization. And so it comes out on paper or via this intangible intergallactic network we are all hooked into, in a stream of woes. It is usually depressing and angry, and I often never want to read it again.

Now, this has become a problem because I love to both read and write. And to reread what I have written. There has been so little writing in the baby years, that I find most of it has been out of frustration or a moment here and there in awe of my little ones. To be one who loves writing so much, and who needs that form of expression to really evolve (seriously, I think my spiritual, mental and emotional growth might be stunted without it), no writing is really just out of the question.

So, I have decided to write joy. Not to escape sadness altogether (could you imagine?), but to allow myself to focus on the joy. Not to miss it. Not to deprive myself of it. And to share it with others.