Friday, September 19, 2008

Spiritual Food

I have been thinking a lot lately about what spirituality means to me and how I am fitting it into my life. It seems that I am increasingly aware of how much it bothers me that living life (i.e. keeping track of kids, cleaning house, going to school, keeping in touch with my husband, etc.) seems to get in the way of maintaining contact with my spiritual self.

This seems innately ridiculous to me. I believe that I am, at the core, a spiritual being. We all are. It is our spirit that is always intertwined with our physical selves as we move through the world. As we form and maintain relationships. As we love and nurture. And so, finding myself constantly engaged in these actions, but feeling unconnected to my spirit, or stagnant in my spiritual growth, is contradictory.

How do you stay connected to your spirit in this material world?

What drives your spiritual growth?

What feeds your spirit?

I am asking for some soul food!

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